Pastoral Resident

Full time with benefits

Five Oaks Church

Woodbury, MN
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Job Description

The pastoral residency program exists to fulfill our mission of making disciples who make disciples, by making pastors who make pastors. Embedded into our church culture is leadership development. We believe God has prepared our church to engage in multiplying pastors to send them as healthy, prepared leaders into long-term vocational ministry with many of them becoming senior leaders within 10 years of their residency completion.

We believe by multiplying and sending pastors in this way, we will help continue to build healthy cultures and leaders in other contexts to continue building God’s Kingdom throughout the world.

The position is two years in length. The resident is provided work hours in the final months of their residency to apply, network and interview for positions at other churches.

The responsibilities of the pastoral resident will include, but are not limited to: preaching, recruiting and leading teams, pastoral care and hospitality/connections.

The position also has flexibility for the individual's gifts to be engaged and developed as part of the job.