Pastor of Youth and Young Adults
Job Description
Purpose of the Role
To effectively develop and lead dynamic ministries that reach youth and young adults with the gospel, grows them as disciples of Christ, equips them as disciplemakers and assimilates them in a healthy way into the church body. An emphasis on partnering with and equipping families and building and leading strong ministry teams is essential.
Major Areas of Responsibility within Youth & Young Adult Ministries
Ministry Oversight
• Shepherd our youth and young adults in becoming disciples and disciplemakers.
• Develop and lead programs and ministries that are rooted in biblical, centered on Jesus Christ and align with the mission and vision of the church.
• Oversee the growth and transition of our youth into young adults.
• Prioritize evangelism and community engagement through discipleship.
• Develop and oversee missions trips, retreats and service projects.
• Provide vision, equipping and care to the ministry leadership teams (volunteer & youth staff).
• Equip and empower those in the ministry to use their gifts to serve others.
Leadership Development
• Recruit and equip quality and committed volunteer ministry leaders.
• Encourage and oversee the professional and personal development of ministry leaders and interns.
• Partner with parents to facilitate the spiritual growth of students.
• Develop a team approach to ministry within each area of responsibility.
• Ensure that biblical, strategic and relevant teaching is provided.
• Teach with the goal of life transformation.
• Develop a comprehensive teaching plan to accomplish long-term discipleship goals.
• Create short-term spiritual goals that align with long-term teaching plans.
• Provide teacher training as appropriate.
• Continue developing an understanding of youth and young adult ministries through trainings, ministry networking and personal development.
Spiritual Life
• Possesses a passionate relationship with God through frequent time in the Word and prayer.
• Lives a life above reproach through godly character in all aspects of life (including online).
• Models Christ-likeness and spiritual fruit is evident (cf. Galatians 5:22-23).
• Shows humility and spiritual maturity.
• Shall meet the biblical qualifications of “elder” as stated in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.
• Has a strong desire to see youth and young adults grow in their walk with Christ.
• Has a strong desire to reach the community with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
• Demonstrates flexibility, responsibility and works hard for what is right.
• A leader who draws people toward Jesus Christ.
Ministry Skills
• Possesses good communication and teaching skills.
• Possesses solid biblical understanding and agreement with the doctrinal statement of Riverstone Church.
• Can recruit, equip and manage multi-generational volunteers and ministry teams.
• Demonstrates a commitment to teamwork.
• Displays a relational style that attracts, engages and motivates students.
• Minimum of two years-experience working with students in a leadership role (volunteer or paid).
• Undergraduate degree from a recognized Christian college or university is preferred.
About this Church
Riverstone Church is a vibrant, multigenerational church located in beautiful Bucks County, Pennsylvania, right on the Delaware River and across from Trenton, New Jersey. This places Riverstone in a strategic context for endless ministry opportunities among the diverse array of people all around us. Our church is filled with many young families and has a strong passion for discipleship and outreach to and through all ages. We prioritize the faithful preaching, teaching and speaking of God's Word as the means through which all of our ministry growth takes place. We strive to be a people who are dependent on the Holy Spirit, rooted in the Bible, centered on the gospel, devoted to one another and focused on the mission of Jesus Christ to the glory of God.