Worship Pastor
Job Description
The Worship Pastor will seek to glorify God and edify the saints in song every Lord’s day and special events. He will do this by planning creative, inspiring, God-honoring services that incorporate multiple musical styles in order to lead our multi-generational congregation in worship.
Education Requirements
Prefer an undergraduate degree in worship ministry, Bible, theology, or music and education; or have related life experience and ministry skills to positively affect the spiritual affections of believers for Sunday morning worship.
Character Requirements
• Exhibits a vibrant personal walk with Jesus Christ evidenced through personal devotion to scripture and active service in his local church and community.
• Exhibits a teachable heart and welcomes ongoing instruction and evaluation in his Christian.
• Walk and job performance to grow personally, spiritually and professionally.
• Exhibits a desire and excitement for pursuing formal and/or informal education and training to enhance the church’s overall ministries.
• Must agree with the EFCA Statement of Faith, Oxlip Church’s Constitution, By-laws, Vision, Policies and Core Values.
Worship Job Responsibilities
• 15 hours a week dedicated to preparation and Sunday morning worship.
• Manage music development of the church — identify, recruit and train new volunteers.
• Responsible for scheduling on Planning Center of: musicians, vocalists, tech and media team (sound tech, video, computer), teams for funerals and weddings.
• Meet weekly with the lead pastor and staff members for vision, planning, prayer, accountability and encouragement.
• Plan worship services according to direction from the pastor in a timely manner, allowing for worship team preparation.
• Plan special services and musical events.
• Lead rehearsals and sound checks.
• Maintain church-owned instruments and sound equipment through upkeep, updating, regular piano tuning, and purchasing new equipment/technology.
• Maintain licensing for music, scheduling and live streaming, including obligatory reporting to CCLI when required.
• Cooperate with the décor coordinator to maintain a pleasing atmosphere in the sanctuary.
• Set up ProPresenter with lyrics, graphics, sermon notes and videos to be used during worship services and special events.
• Foster an atmosphere of clear communication, excellence, unity and support in the worship team.
• Develop an annual budget and work within that budget.
• Submit and present reports bi-annually to the congregation.
• Participate in an annual review with the lead pastor.
Please answer the following questions and submit with resume and references to joel@oxlip.org
- Tell us about yourself. This is your opportunity to elaborate on your resume.
- Where do you attend church?
- Why are you interested in the worship pastor position at Oxlip?
- What past experiences have you had that have prepared you for this position?
- Are you willing to relocate and attend Sunday worship service?
- Briefly describe your salvation testimony. How does your life reflect your salvation testimony?
- How would you build relationships with the worship team and families of Oxlip?
- Please briefly describe your leadership and teaching styles.
** Please note: this part-time position could also be a 40-hour full time position now if taken with Oxlip’s open youth director position. If interested in the full-time position, please see description below and indicate in your correspondence that you are interested in interviewing for both positions.
The youth pastor will equip young people with an understanding of how the gospel transforms the heart resulting in a lifelong relationship with God that honors Him in word and deed.
Education Requirements
Prefer an undergraduate degree in youth ministry, Bible, theology, or music; or have related life experience and ministry skills to positively affect the spiritual development in youth and Sunday morning worship.
Character Requirements
• Exhibits a vibrant personal walk with Jesus Christ evidenced through personal devotion to scripture and active service in his local church and community.
• Exhibits a teachable heart and welcomes ongoing instruction and evaluation in his Christian walk and job performance to grow personally, spiritually and professionally.
• Exhibits a desire and excitement for pursuing formal and/or informal education and training to enhance the church’s overall ministries.
• Must agree with the EFCA Statement of Faith, Oxlip Church’s constitution, by-laws, vision, policies and core values.
Youth Job Responsibilities
• 25 hours dedicated per week to youth.
• Prepare and teach weekly age-specific youth group sessions and Bible studies.
• Oversee the planning and execution of all youth events such as; camps, retreats, conferences, mission trips, fellowship events as well as provide opportunities for leadership development.
• Seek to develop ongoing relationships with parents and youth with an “approachable and open-minded demeanor” demonstrated through consistent communication, resourcing needs, counseling, encouragement and availability.
• Has awareness of the importance of confidentiality, however, uses wise discretion seeking direction from the senior pastor and elders when needed.
• Understands the value of building and training a support team of faithful adults who have a desire to invest in the lives of teens.
• Participates in weekly staff meetings and monthly leadership meetings with the purpose of keeping the church leadership informed of the workings of the ministry as well as seeking guidance and encouragement when needed.
• Exhibits good stewardship of the youth ministry budget, building and church van.
• Adheres to child protection guidelines and keeps background checks and volunteer applications current.
• Provides a written annual report for the congregation.
• Models good work ethics as demonstrated by efficiency and effectiveness.
• Possesses an understanding of current youth culture (i.e., technology, entertainment, etc.).
About this Church
Oxlip Church is a family of believers that places a high priority on Scripture and godly relationships. Our worship services are a blend of singing, expository preaching from the Bible and family activities. Teaching from God's Word helps us pursue all the fullness of God, grow in maturity and encourages the use of gifts in the life of the Church. We have many opportunities for people to gather together in community weekly as we encourage one another towards a life of greater devotion to Christ.