Associate Pastor of Family Ministries

Family ministry; Pastor
Full time with benefits

Kimmels Church

Orwigsburg, PA
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Job Description

The Associate Pastor of Family Ministries will oversee the Children’s, Teen and Young Adult ministries of Kimmels Church, helping our students and their parents become disciples of Jesus Christ and learn to teach others to do the same.

Personal Requirements

•     A mature relationship with Jesus as Savior and Lord
•     Regular practice of spiritual disciplines
•     A person of prayer
•     Exhibits the fruit of the Spirit and walks in the power of the Spirit
•     Strong relationship skills
•     A healthy balance of work and rest in their life
•     A person of integrity who has a good reputation inside and outside the church
•     Agreement with the Constitution and Bylaws of Kimmels Evangelical Free Church

 # Skills/Experience/Education
•     Strong ability and experience equipping leaders and working with teams
•     Ability to connect relationally with parents, teens and children
•     Good teaching ability and communication skills
•     Ability to work closely with Senior Pastor, Elders, other staff and volunteer leaders to see that objectives are accomplished
•     Proven ability to develop and implement strategy
•     Willingness and ability to try new things and inspire others
•     Experience in raising a family would be an asset
•     5-10 years’ experience in youth or children's ministry preferred
•     Bible college or seminary degree preferred; other qualifications and training considered


•     Build a discipleship culture
•     Recruit and equip volunteer leadership that fosters ministry sustainability (not solely dependent on paid staff)
•     Create a safe environment for children and students that encourages growth in spiritual maturity
•     Encourage and equip parents in their role as the primary disciplers of their children. Support them in teaching and mentoring in Christ-centered living
•     Develop a Student Leadership Team that can be trained to lead and make disciples of peers
•     Effectively integrate children, teens and young adults into the larger church community. Help foster an “extended family” atmosphere where all ages are valued and contribute
•     Work with leaders to develop a coordinated curriculum for all ages that progressively teaches and models life in Christ
•     Be involved in a small group and disciple others in a small-group environment
•     Be involved in the community, seeking out relationships with those who do not know Christ

Result-Based Job Description:

This is a highly relational ministry, and priority must be placed on building healthy relationships amongst children, youth, parents and staff
·     The Family Ministries Pastor knows our children, teens and young adults by name, as well as their parents' names
·     The Family Ministries Pastor participates in community/school events involving children and teens
·     Children, teens and young adults who are new to Kimmels are personally contacted in a timely manner and made to feel welcome
·     The Family Ministries Pastor has developed a pattern of relationship building in his neighborhood or with a community organization outside the church, such as sports or the local school
·     The Family Ministries Pastor is accessible to parents and regularly reaches out to provide prayer and counsel and address family concerns
·     Events are planned on a regular basis that are engaging not only to church families but those in the community
Recruiting and Supervision:
This position requires someone who enjoys seeing others succeed and grow in leadership abilities. The Family Ministries Pastor must first be an equipper, and secondly a doer.
·     All volunteers receive training and regular feedback, including implementation of policies and best practices regarding child abuse and sexual exploitation prevention
·     Regular meetings of adult volunteers and Student Leadership Team are held for training, encouragement and prayer
·     Children’s, teen and young adult ministry staff are given the opportunity to develop ministry plans, goals and budgets and are evaluated regularly in their progress 

Children’s, Teen and Young Adult programs need to focus on making disciples equipped to make other disciples. The Family Ministries Pastor, along with adult and student volunteers, will plan and facilitate these programs
·     Regular programs are growing in participation, enthusiasm and vision
·     A growing number of teens, young adults and parents are participating in small groups, where they are being discipled and learning how to disciple others
·     Children, teens and young adults are regularly participating in Sunday morning ministries, using their spiritual gifts to serve others
·     Children, teens and young adults are serving alongside adults in various church ministries
·     Teen and adult mission teams are sent out on a regular basis (at least every other year). This is not solely the Family Ministries Pastor’s role, but he will play a part in seeing this happen
·     The Family Ministries Pastor is available to take part in Sunday morning ministry, including preaching when necessary and to help with other church events

The Family Ministries Pastor is part of the church staff and accountable to the Senior Pastor.

To Apply

Email cover letter, resume and any additional information you feel would be helpful to
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About this Church

We value worship to God that is expressed through our music, words, prayers, thoughts and actions every moment of every day, both personally and corporately. We are committed to teaching and living according to the Word of God for it is our absolute authority in all areas. Teaching is centered on the Word of God as it applies to contemporary American life.

Worship is our whole life, lived for God in what we say, think and do. We strive to teach, encourage and model how to worship God at home, the workplace, church and everywhere in between. We value the love relationship with God that is available to everyone and the only way to a life with God in heaven.