Church Planter Lead Pastor

Church planting
Full time with benefits

Rocky Mountain District

Colorado, CO

Job Description

About the EFCA Rocky Mountain District

The EFCA (Evangelical Free Church) Rocky Mountain district spreads from lower South Dakota through all of Wyoming and Colorado. The opportunities for new church starts are growing in all areas from rural communities, towns, university/college towns, cities and suburbs. Our passion is multiplying disciples through multiplying healthy churches and leaders.

The vision of the EFCA is to plant transformational and multiplying churches among all people. In the RMD we encourage every one of our churches to partner in various ways with a church plant in their region because we are stronger together.

Each church planter is empowered through assessments, equipping cohorts, ongoing coaching, pastoral care and financial grants available. We plant in various ways such as churches planting churches, campus to plant models, pioneer plants and finding planters for core teams already in a location. We desire to build a community of planters and spouses who connect and support one another.

We have a variety of opportunities throughout Colorado, Wyoming and South Dakota. We are currently working with a few churches to plant churches through a church-planting residency model. Still, we have numerous other opportunities to partner with our established churches in each region. We would love to talk with you about what adventure may be your best fit.

Pray and consider learning more about this opportunity or others within our region.